21. Do not take any notice ________ him.
A. about 
B. on
C. of 
D. in

22. I am fed up _____ his mess.
A. with 
B. of
C. about 
D. in

23. Their share price fell ____ ten rupees yesterday.
A. under 
B. below
C. both A and B 
D. nor A nor B

24. The boy who got full marks was suspected _____ cheating.
A. by 
B. from
C. of 
D. for

25. She complained ____ the pain in her back. 
A. by 
B. with
C. over 
D. about

26. I checked in all primary classes, no body was there. (find out compound noun) 
A. checked 
B. classrooms 
C. primary 
D. there

27. I could not recognize her voice on the phone. ( find abstract noun?) 
B.could not 

28. Find objective pronoun in this sentence “ Is everything alright with him? Yes, I am fine. ”
A. I 
B. him
C. everything 
D. with

29. He said to her, “May you succeed!” (Change into indirect narration)
A. He prayed to God that she may succeed.
B. He said to her that she might succeed.
C. He told her that she might succeed.
D. He wished her success.

30. He said, “What a beautiful scene! “(change narration).
A. He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
B. He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
C. He wondered that it was a beautiful scene
D. He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was

31. The distance between Earth and the Sun is less in the month of the 
A. July
B. March
C. May 
D. January

32. Who is known as the Father of History?
A. Aristotle 
B. Socrates
C. Herodotus 
D. Plato

33. International day of Non-Violence is observe on which date?
A. 1st October 
B. 3rd October
C. 2nd October 
D. 4th October

34. French revolution started in:
A. 1789 
B. 1790
C. 1791 
D. 1792

35. Christopher Columbus belong to which country ?
A. Spain
B. England
C. Italy 
D. Rome

36. Full form of UNICEF is ? 
A. United Nation Internal Cultural Educational Foundation 
B. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 
C. United Nations International Children Educational Foundation. 
D. United nations International Cultural Emergency fund 

37. The aim of SAARC movement is ? 
A. Political alliance 
B. Regional cooperation 
C. Cultural exchanges 
D. Military strategy 

38. The currency of Iraq is ? 
A. Ruble 
B. Dinar 
C. Tada 
D. Peso 

39. The second longest river in world is 
A. Nile 
B. Amazon 
C. Indus 
D. Yangtze 

40. Epsom is located in England that the place associated with
A. horse racing 
B. polo 
C. shooting 
D. snooker