Fathers of Various Subjects By JobsMCQz

Fathers of Various Subjects By JobsMCQz

Father of subject gk Father of physics Father of science Father of biology Father of all subjects in English Father of Subjects List PDF Father of all subjects Wikipedia Father of subjects in Hindi Father of PDF file Father of all subjects PDF Download in English Father of all subjects in tamil Father of all subjects PDF Download in Hindi Who is the Father of GK in Hindi

1.	Who was the father of Algebra?
A. Aristotle 
B. Muhammad Al Khwarzmi*
C. Landsteiner

2.	Aristotle was the father of ?
A. Algebra
B. Botany
C. Biology*
D. Chemistry

3.	Jabir bin Hayan was father of What?
A. Chemistry*
B. Blood Group
C. Biology
D. None

4.	Father of Electricity was?
A. Theophrastus
B. Michael Faraday*
C Eucid 
D. Samuel

5.	Who was the father of Economics?
A. Mendel
B. Vinton Cerf
C. Louis Pasture
D. Adman Smith*

6.	Father of Internet was ?
A. Hipporates
B. Jabir Bin Hayan
C. Vinton Cerf*
D. Albert Einstein

7.	Louis Pasteur was father of ?
A. Microbiology*
B. Medicine 
C. Physics
D. None

8.	Father of Geometry was?
A. Eucid*
B. Aristotle 
C. Mendeleev
D. None

9.	Periodic Table founder was ?
A. Auguste Comte
B. Dmitri Mendeleev*
C. Wilhelm Wundt
D. None

10.	Albert Einstein was the father of ?
A. Psychology
B. Physics*
C. Sociology
D. None

11.	Father of WWW was?
A. Tim Burners Lee*
B. Auguste Comte
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Vint Cerf

12.	Father of Genetics was?
A. G.H. Mendel*
B. Adam Smith
C. Aristotle
D. None

13.	Father of Botany was?
A. Jabir Bin Hayan
B. Theophrastus*
C. Michael Faraday
D. None

14.	Father of Urdu was
A. Maulvi Abdul Haq*
B. Jabir Bin Hayan
C. Abdul Salam
D. None